Whitetail Deer Hunting

Texas has produced many trophy huge Boone & Crockett Whitetail Deer bucks over the decade. There is no other whitetail deer hunting ranch to hunt these big Texas Whitetail Bucks like the S&D Whitetails located in Central and South Texas.

Whether you are whitetail deer hunting from one of our comfortable stands or driving this Texas hunting ranch doing a spot and stalk or getting down and dirty with a set of rattling deer antlers the excitement and unique hunting experience you get from hunting in the S&D Whitetails ranches compares to no other ranch in Texas.

S&D Whitetail Deer Hunting

Memorable and successful hunting trip for all of our clients

At the S&D Whitetails, we work hard to ensure a memorable and successful hunting trip for all of our clients. We pride ourselves in producing quality Texas trophy whitetail bucks year after year. Whether you are an experienced hunter looking for the buck of a lifetime or new to hunting all together, we have experienced and knowledgeable personnel to take care of you.

Imagine sitting in a deer stand looking down a long sendero on a cold foggy morning or rattling antlers from a brush blind in a cactus flat, the excitement and unique hunting experience you get from hunting in Texas compares to no other whitetail habitat.

S&D Whitetail Deer Hunting

The reasons that we are successful in producing quality trophy whitetail bucks for our hunting clients year after year is due to the high standards of genetics we have established and feeding supplemental feed and food plots year-round.

From the time you arrive until your departure, we make sure that you will be taken care of and leave with a great hunting experience. Our guides work hard prior to the season scouting and patterning our deer. All of our guides are experienced hunters themselves and have been hunting in Texas for decades. Whitetails: (October-January) Trophy Whitetail includes a doe, unlimited hogs, and unlimited predators.

S&D Whitetail Deer Hunting

Whitetail Rates

Whitetail meat hunt

3 doe / cull no meals or lodging $1,450
3 doe / cull lodging but no meals $1,750
3 doe / cull with meals and lodging $2,000
Additional doe $400

Low fence

1 mature buck, 1 doe. $2,900/gun
4 day hunts, 2-4 hunters. Rv hookups available. DIY. Blinds and feeders set in place. Meals and lodging can be added.

High Fence

Whitetail high fence - Management Bucks (115” - 139”) $3,750
Trophy white tail 140" - 149" $4,900
Trophy white tail 150" - 159" $5,900
Trophy white tail 160" - 169" $6,900
Trophy white tail 170" - 179" $7,900
Trophy white tail 180" - 189" $8,900
Trophy white tail 190" - 199" $9,900
Trophy white tail 200" - 210" $11,500
Trophy white tail 211" - 225" $12,900
Trophy white tail 225"+ $15,000